Instagram announces IGTV Monetization , New revenue Options for Instagram Live. | Ajd's Academy

Instagram Announces Next Stage of IGTV Monetization, New Revenue Options for Instagram Live

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Instagram has announced the next stage of monetization for IGTV, while it’s also adding new digital ‘badges’ for IG Live, which will enable viewers to donate money to their favorite broadcasters.


Ads will appear on IGTV videos , Ads will Appear on IGTV when someone will play IGTV videos. ads will be 15 secs Long .

it is said that this step taken by Instagram is for pushing creators to create more IGTV videos , and it is also said that creators will receive 55% share of revenue from ads. 


And they will look for the performance for whole 1 year so we can skip ads till instagram announces next Information about it ,  great News for creators.